Finding the Best Financial Advisor for You

We are constantly asked, “There are so many options and companies to manage my money.  How do I select the best one?”  This is a difficult question because there is such a wide variety of individual needs, but we will try to present some basics to help guide you through your options.

To start the thought process let us state equivocally we are a big believer in the separation of powers.  What does that mean?  It means that even though your brother-in-law is a financial advisor, insurance salesman, CPA, and estate planning lawyer, you should not let him take over all these critical elements of your wealth management.  There are individuals that specialize in each of these important areas, and they are happy to work with each other on your behalf.  So our first basic concept is that choosing a financial advisor is only one piece of the puzzle to secure and grow your wealth.  You will need a team of professionals to get you where you need to be. Read more